Musical prodigies are a rare find in itself, but young musical prodigies with a heart of gold? Well - that’s like finding a unicorn at the end of a rainbow.
Sithija Sasantha Manage, a highschool student from Texas, USA, however, was the exception. Having heard of the Little Hearts project of Sri Lanka, Sithija came up with a creative way to raise funds in aid of the project – with the help of his music school’s showcase.
A student of Dr. Suren Lewkebandara, Sithija plays a baffling amount of 17 instruments in total. By putting on a one-man musical show, he combined all his talents in creating
soothing symphonies which captured aspects of both the Sri Lankan and American cultures. 3,000 guests were reported to have attended the event, and Sithija raised an extraordinary $5,000 (LKR 869775/=) from his hard work and talents.
This remarkable boy is a shining example of how the story of our journey has spread across the globe. We hope that more young talents will steal the spotlight in the future to exhibit not just their extraordinary talents but also their extraordinary compassion.

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